

Erin Cramer is a professional artist specializing in oil-based finger paintings. She lives in Sandpoint, Idaho and creates her art from her home studio. Erin’s interest in art began as a young girl who was inspired to recreate scenes from the Oregon Coast while spending summers at her great-grandparents’ beachside home.
Erin is self-taught, and has explored creating art using watercolors, acrylics, colored pencils, colored chalk, charcoal and negative space.
In 2011, Erin and her husband Brandon, moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Motivated by the active art community and new beginnings, Erin, spent many hours in the dining room of their small apartment dedicated to studying acrylic painting. Unsatisfied with the traditional process of painting using brushes and how quickly acrylic paints dry, Erin began to explore the textures and blends of oil-based paint applied with only palette knives.
Erin spent the next several years learning and loving the textures and blends she had been craving to create. However, she still felt disconnected from her work. In 2016, prompted by fellow artists, she decided to try finger painting. Exhilarated about this “new” technique, Erin grabbed a pair of latex gloves from under the kitchen sink and disappeared into her studio. The intimate connection to each dab, swirl and blend was found.
Recognized for her thick textures, bold colors and inspired perspectives on landscapes and urban scenes, Erin strives to bring unique life to each work of art.